Thursday, 15 January 2009

A first entry...

Now, this is my frist entry and I am new to this so I'll probably make this a short one, but if it becoms long and boring, please give me another chance...
I am a Belgian. For the people who don't know where it is (and that is a few!): it is the country with Brussels in it and the chocolate-country. I normally speak Dutch (Flemish as some of you might know it, but that actually doesn't exist. It is only a dialect of Dutch, which others might wish it wasn't), but as you see I also speak excellent English as a somehow strayed into a marriage with an Englishman. I was obliged to learn French as well and German, so I'm a little polyglot. 2008 was a year of changes as I moved to Germany with my husband who got a job at the European Institutions in Luxemburg. We decided on Germany, the Mosel-area bcause housing was cheap and so we live in one of the most beautiful regions of that country where tourists flock every year
My hobbies are pretty boring I'm afraid, as I am quite a loner, but not less interesting I might say. They include folk dancing/music (which has been suspended for now because although I live in this folk-music and -dancing country there doesn't seem to be a folkdancing group in this area...), reading (I looooooooooooove literature and thinking about it. It irritates my husband exceedingly because he can't stop me talking about it), politics and socio-economic issues. I am quite a thinker so I'll try to use this as my outlet (or Auspuff/exhaust pipe like they say in German). Maybe I might try a text in French, Dutch or German some time, but I can't vouch for the quality of that French or German...
I will try to put my thoughts on matters on paper here. Whether politics, literary observations, frustration or fait-divers, I'll try to make it fun.
I will great you now and will leave you all most sincerely to have a good night or evening, what you prefer.